Along with our sixth issue, we release our first book – and what a book! It’s the translation onto Portuguese of Martin Luther’s celebrated work, “On the Freedom of a Christian.” (a.k.a. “A Treatise on Christian Liberty”)

If Martin Luther was a key figure for Christianity, if we are who we are due to him starting the Protestant Reformation, and if that happened 500 years ago, we have more than enough reasons to join the celebrations by providing the Portuguese-speaking world with a vital work in our own language.

We do this imbued by this unshakable spirit, that this is the reason why Biblion exists, reaffirming our commitment to improve access to books for everyone.

This work was translated by our collaborating editor, Daniel Gomes, and we trust this initiative will please our ever growing community of readers. Despite the scant resources, all the labor put into this endeavor has value when done for them.

Enjoy the reading… in full Christian liberty.