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Category: BiblionSphere1

Interpreting the Book of Proverbs @PatheosBlog

The Hebrew proverbs are often brief and enigmatic such as ‘stone and stone; measure and measure’ (Prov. 20.10). In English translations, interpretation is often added, seemingly to make the proverb easier to understand (this has also occurred in the Old Greek translation of Proverbs, in the Septuagint). However, the proverbs are not actually designed to provide a quick answer to every situation, but to invite us to ponder on the meaning as it relates to different life contexts.

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Lewis Ayres: Is Nicene Trinitarianism in the Scriptures @PatheosBlog

Lewis Ayres gives a great lecture (audio) on “Is Nicene Trinitarianism in the Scriptures,” where he engages with David Yeago, who distinguished between biblical judgment and theological concepts, while pointing out that Nicene theology is an appropriate and coherent reading of Scripture, but its not the only possible reading of Scripture. Lots of interaction with …

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Anglican Amyraldism @PatheosBlog

Technically Amyraldianism is a particular species of covenant theology called hypothetical universalism, more broadly, it allows a Calvinistic view of election to mesh with a view of universal atonement. There is a wonderful tradition of Amyraldian Anglicans who imbibed Calvinism with a Catholic spirit. J.C. Ryle, John Newton, and Charles Simeon are the main examples. …

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